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Writing on Map Design: Introduction

I’ve written a lot about designing good (and bad) maps. Some articles to get you started are here, or visit the sub-sections for full listings.

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Monthly Newsletter

From 2013 to 2022 my monthly newsletter included general news, research news, maps in the media, events, and a map of the month. Number 100 was the final edition. All newsletters are archived here.

UMU Book

I have written four books on map history and design with more on the way. Watch this space for more details. My most ambitious work is:

Web Articles

Technical reports and other short articles that have something useful to say, including:

Academic Works

This includes papers published in refereed journals, book chapters, conference papers, and preprints for publication. Good places to start include:

Transit Maps Book
Third Party Books

There are many books on transit maps. Follow the link for a full listing of every title I know, but no bookshelf is complete without this one:

  • Transit Maps of the World, by Mark Ovenden. Every map from every rail transit network in the world, and historical maps for larger ones.