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Speaking on Map Design: Introduction

My work appeals to designers, transport professionals, and the general public. I always enjoy communicating about it to an audience, and over the years I’ve spoken to a wide range of people,
in many different contexts, covering just about every possible topic on map design and usability.

Online Thumb

I have been interviewed for national and international television
and radio many times, and delivered several presentations that
are available online, including Ignite London and TEDx. There are
links to over two hours of material on this page!

Public Stage
Public Lectures

A lively, entertaining, factually accurate presentation is guaranteed,
get in touch if you might be interested in a booking.

University Thumb
University Lectures

My university module Transit Maps: Past, present & future, offered
by the Department of Psychology at the University of Essex, ran successfully for the first time in 2016. Follow this link for course guides and slides. My longstanding module Intelligent Behaviour comparing human, machine, and animal intelligence is also here.